Outsource CTO

Top-Level Strategic Input

Hiring a temporary CTO is a cost-effective way to consolidate the full-time CTO role into an agile and on-demand resource. A third-party CTO will aid in the oversight and decision-making of your organisation’s technology.

Fraction of the Cost

An outsourced CTO gives you the top-level skills of an IT Director for a fraction of the cost of hiring one. Our agile CTO outsourcing service makes it affordable for even small businesses to hire an IT Director.

Unrivalled Knowledge

Outsourcing a CTO gives you access to an experienced professional with knowledge of modern technology. We will assess your entire infrastructure and ensure your tech stack is aligned with your business goals.

CTO's Key Objectives

Director Level Support

We provide strategic direction within your IT teams. Working with stakeholders, we build a future-proof technology roadmap that's centred around your long-term business objectives

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Improve your ability to stay operational in the event of a disruption with a detailed business continuity and disaster recovery plan. We will plan for every eventuality, putting in place detailed contingency plans.

Analyse IT spend

We take a proactive role in planning your annual IT budgets, hold vendors to account and identify ways to reduce and optimise your IT spend. Recently, we saved a membership organisation more than £300,000 in annual IT costs.

Legacy Migration

Legacy migration isn’t simply a “lift and shift” approach. Your legacy software is the backbone of your company, which means you need a structured and robust plan to carry out such an upgrade with no business disruptions.

Technical Oversight

The key objective of outsourced CTO is to maintain control over the organisation’s whole IT workflow and ensure your technology stack is aligned with your business goals.

Management of IT teams

As well as combining technical knowledge with the ability to strategise, our CTOs have the perfect communication skills to lead and inspire all your technology teams. We will assist and lead in the IT recruitment process.

Cyber resilience

Our CTOs have experience bolstering the security of organisations with offices around the globe. By outsourcing your director level IT, you have real-time access to a professional who is up-to-date with the latest security threats.

Cloud Adoption

Ensure a successful cloud migration through a fully-managed and structured plan, delivered by trusted cloud experts.

Projects and Tenders

At PSP, we can simplify your procurement process and deliver expert support throughout every stage to keep costs down and make sure you select the best vendors.

40+ Years of Experience

Manage Risk

Reduce Spend

Transform Business

DWF Group

"PSP offers top-notch quality, service and rates. They have been a key supplier for DWF in supporting DWF's staff and clients around client Extranets and Datarooms. PSP's engaging style really set the tone through both professionalism and friendliness, and they have continuously received positive feedback from all parties."

Our Work
Legacy System Upgrade for CICM

The Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM) approached PSP to help upgrade their membership management system....

CIPS Website (web3) and EPiServer CMS Development

CIPS is the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply - a global professional body of over 200,000 members serving the procurement and supply profession.The Chartered Institute of Procure...

NEBOSH Online Marking Software

Automated web-based assessment marking software that automatically allocates papers and tracks the status of every assessment that’s out for marking....

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Where to find us

We'd love to welcome you into our office! We're only 20 miles north of Peterborough, conveniently just off the A16.

Carver House
Apex Court, Elsoms Way
PE11 3UL