Outsourced Cyber Security

Achieve Cyber Resilience

Through our cyber security service, your dedicated cyber specialist will help you identify, alleviate and proactively defend your business against security risks and attacks.

Agile Cyber security

Defending against cyber threats and gaining an in-depth understanding of how attackers operate is a full-time role. However, many organisations lack the resources to hire a full-time Cybersecurity Officer. By utilising PSP's flexible cyber security services, your organisation will benefit from the knowledge of a dedicated cyber security specialist without the full-time overhead.

Collaborative Security

Even if you have your own IT team who are confident in their ability to protect your organisation, we can work as an extension to your security team to help further strengthen your resolve. 

We offer a full choice of meticulous security packages which are tailored to your needs. We evaluate and make recommendations to your cyber and security posture to improve your defence and ability to respond to attacks.

Our Cyber Security Services

Security Audit and Review

In-depth evaluation of your business's cyber security and risk assessment of your IT infrastructure.

Cyber Defence and Training

Keep your company one step ahead of threat actors through awareness training from PSP's experts.

Response and Recovery

Your business could fall victim at anytime. We'll prepare you with an easy-to-follow response and recovery plan.

Vendor Review

We will assess your suppliers' security practices and commitments to keeping your business safe.

Multi-Layered Approach




Our Work
Legacy System Upgrade for CICM

The Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM) approached PSP to help upgrade their membership management system....

CIPS Website (web3) and EPiServer CMS Development

CIPS is the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply - a global professional body of over 200,000 members serving the procurement and supply profession.The Chartered Institute of Procure...

NEBOSH Online Marking Software

Automated web-based assessment marking software that automatically allocates papers and tracks the status of every assessment that’s out for marking....

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Where to find us

We'd love to welcome you into our office! We're only 20 miles north of Peterborough, conveniently just off the A16.

Carver House
Apex Court, Elsoms Way
PE11 3UL